Thursday 26 June 2014

Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

Have you got flab around the belly? If yes, it can be a source of constant embarrassment no matter what your age is. Your belly is the hardest part of the body to lose weight from. Don’t worry. You can flaunt a slim waistline with these simple and effective exercises.

Best Stomach Weight Loss Exercises:

1. Crunches:

Nothing burns belly fat faster than crunches! Crunches occupy the number one position when it comes to fat-burning exercises. Now, it’s time that you start with this abs crunching exercise. Follow the steps mentioned below.
Image: Shutterstock
  • Lie down flat on a mat with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Alternatively, you can also lift your legs off the floor at a 90 degrees angle. (See picture).
  • Now lift your hands and place them behind your head or keep them crossed on your chest.
  • Inhale deeply and as you lift your upper torso off the floor, exhale.
  • Again inhale as you get back down and exhale as you come up.
  • Do this for 10 times as a beginner.
  • Repeat another 2-3 sets.

One small tip:

As you lift your torso, do not sit up straight. You should be at a 30-40 degrees angle off the ground. Thus, you’ll feel pressure on your abdominal muscles.

2. Twist Crunches:

Twist crunches
Image: shutterstock
Once you get used to the regular crunches, modify the basic crunch to get an even more effective tummy exercise!
  • Lie down on the floor with your hands behind your head.
  • Now bend your knees as you would do in crunches, keeping your feet on the floor.
  • As in a crunch, you would have lifted your upper torso; in twist crunches you just have to lift your right shoulder towards the left, keeping your left torso on the ground.
  • Again alternatively, lift your left shoulder towards the right, keeping your right torso on the ground.
  • Repeat for another 10 times.

3. Side Crunch:

Side Crunch
Image: shutterstock
This is same as the twist crunch exercise. The only thing that you need to do is tilt your legs to the same side simultaneously with your shoulders. The side crunch focuses on the muscles on your sides.

4. Reverse Crunches:

Now it’s time to do reverse crunches. This is another best exercise to lose stomach fat.
Reverse crunches
Image: Shutterstock
This is same as the twist crunch exercise. The only thing that you need to do is tilt your legs behind simultaneously with your shoulders. The side crunch focuses on the muscles on your sides.

5. Vertical Leg Crunch:

vertical leg crunch
Image: shutterstock
  • Lie flat on the floor or on the mat with your legs extended upwards towards the ceiling and one knee crossed over the other.
  • Now that you have positioned your body perfectly, do the same as you would have done in case of crunches. That is, breathe in and lift your upper body from the floor towards the pelvis. Now breathe out slowly. As you bring yourself down, breathe in again and exhale as you go up.
  • Do 12-16 crunches for up to 3 sets at a go.

6. Bicycle Exercise:

No, you don’t need a bicycle for this. Thinking how? We’ll tell you.
bicycle crunch exercise
Image: Shutterstock
  • Lie on the floor and keep your hands either by your side or behind your head as we do in crunches.
  • Now lift both your legs off the ground and bend them at the knees.
  • Bring your right knee close to your chest, keeping your left leg out.
  • Now take your right leg out and bring your left leg close to your chest.
  • Alternate bending your knees this way as if you are paddling a bicycle.

7. Lunge Twist:

This is a beginners’ workout for beginners who want to reduce belly fat quickly.
Lunge Twist
Image: shutterstock
  • Stand with your legs hip width apart. Keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Lift both your hands in front of you aligning them with your shoulders and parallel to the ground.
  • Lunge forward as shown in the picture. Take a big step forward with your right leg and sit down as if on a chair so that your knees are at a 90 degrees angle from the floor. The left leg should be positioned backwards supported by the toes.
  • The spine should be kept straight. Don’t bend your spine forward. That is incorrect way of performing lunges.
  • First twist your torso to the right and then to the left. Twist just the torso, not your legs.
  • Continue repeating this for 16 times.

8. Rolling Plank Exercise:

rolling plank exercise
Image: Shutterstock
The rolling plank trains the muscles around your abdomen, hip and lower back.
  • Position yourself on the floor with your knees and elbows resting on the ground.
  • Keep your neck aligned with your spine. Look forward.
  • Lift the knees up and support your legs on the toes.
  • Contract your knees and keep breathing normally. This is the plank pose. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds.
  • Now start moving to and fro for the next 30 seconds. This is the rolling plank exercise.

9. Side Plank:

plank stretch
Image: Shutterstock
  • Lie down on the floor sideways.
  • Support yourself on your right elbow and right leg. Your elbow should be perpendicular to the shoulder and the left leg should be above the right leg, keeping them together.
  • Keep your knees straight. Your hips should not be touching the ground.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds. Once you get comfortable, you may hold this for 1-2 minutes.
  • Repeat with your other side too.
While in this position you may also lift the leg placed on top and bring it back again. This makes the exercise more effective. In that case, it works not only for your abs but also for the thighs and hips.

10. The Stomach Vacuum:

Stomach vacuum exercises are low-impact exercises that place greater emphasis on breathing instead of increasing your heart rate.
a. This is similar to what we call the cat stretch pose. This is also known as the four-point, transverse-abdominal stomach vacuum. Follow the steps mentioned below to do this exercise for reducing belly fat:
  • Come down on the ground to sit on all fours, supporting your body on your hands and knees.
  • Now inhale deeply and loosen your abdomen.
  • As you exhale the breath, tighten the abdomen muscles.
  • Hold this abdomen contraction for 15-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the process again.
b. Another type of stomach vacuum exercise is elevators. Here’s how to do it:
  • Sit on a chair. Imagine your belly to be an elevator that’s moving up.
  • Now inhale deeply using only your nose and think that it’s the 1st floor.
  • Breathe out using your mouth and simultaneously push your belly towards your spine, imagining that you are going up to the 5th floor.
  • Breathe out fast 5 more times, squeezing your abs every time you exhale the air.
  • Repeat the same steps another 5 times.
c. You can try standing pelvic tilts. This is another form of stomach vacuum exercise.
  • Stand with your legs hip width apart and bend your knees slightly.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose and push your belly inwards towards your spine, and at the same time roll your hips out in front.
  • Do 5-6 sets of this exercise.

11. Captain’s Chair:

captains chair exercise
All you need to do this exercise is a chair.
  • Sit on the chair with your spine straight and shoulders relaxed.
  • Keep both hands beside you with your palms by the side of your hips, facing downward.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • Now as you exhale, bring both your legs upwards such that your knees are close to your chest. Hold for 5 seconds. Don’t bend forward and arch your back.
  • Bring down your leg slowly and repeat again.

12. Bending Side to Side:

This is the best workout to slim down your waist. This is yet another perfect exercise for reducing belly fat!
Standing side stretch pose
Image: Shutterstock
  • Stand erect with your feet together. Raise your hands above your head as in a ‘namaste’.
  • Now keeping your legs grounded, bend your body to the right as much as possible till you feel a strain on your left waist. Stay for 15 seconds.
  • Return back to the original position.
  • Now bend left. Retain this position for another 15 seconds.
  • Slowly, you may increase the holding time to 30 seconds.

Cardio Exercises:

Cardio is one of the most effective ways to burn calories and shed unwanted flab from your body. Cardio exercises are immensely helpful for reducing belly fat. At the same time, doing cardio on a regular basis will offer you with other health benefits such as reduction of stress, an increase in your lung capacity, better sleep and a sense of overall well-being.

13. Walking:

One of the very first cardio exercises to reduce belly fat is walking. Surprised? Do you think it’s too simple to be effective? Well then, you should know that walking is a great and effective way to burn away that ugly belly fat. In fact, it is an excellent fat burner for your entire body. If you follow a healthy diet along with walking at a steady pace for 30-45 minutes for at least 4-5 days every week, you will witness a gradual change in your weight. This low-impact exercise increases your metabolism as well as your heart rate. A heightened metabolic rate will burn away calories at a faster pace, thus helping to eliminate the fat accumulated around your belly. In fact, walking has a decreased risk of injuries and is considered to be a good workout for beginners.

14. Running:

You have to prevent your body from getting used to any fixed workout routine. Hence, you can switch occasionally. Try running for a change. It is an effective way to keep your heart rate up, burn calories and lose belly fat.

15. Jogging:

If you don’t like running, try jogging instead. Research suggests that jogging is more effective at breaking down unwanted fat when compared to weightlifting. This is a form of aerobic exercise that is extremely useful for fighting obesity and staying fit.

16. Cycling:

This is another kind of effective cardio exercise that helps you to shed belly fat by burning calories. Ensure that your heart rate goes up while you are cycling.

17. Swimming:

With swimming you get cardio, weight loss and toning at the same time! The strokes that you choose should be up-tempo and strenuous in order to help you burn more calories. You can start with swimming 1-2 times every week.
These are the some of the effective and simple exercises to reduce belly fat. You can easily do most of these exercises at home without the help of any personal trainer. All you need is determination and a lot of stamina. Reducing tummy fat is no longer an elusive dream!


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